
The Office of the Inspector General enhances USSTRATCOM readiness, warfighting and mission capabilities through inspections, investigations, assistance, and training activities.

  • Serves as a fair, impartial, independent, and objective problem-solver
  • Reports on the efficiency, discipline, morale, readiness, and training throughout the Command
  • Performs the functions of Assistance, Inspection, and Investigation
    • Conducts Commander, Joint Staff, and DoD-directed reviews or surveys in areas of special interest for operational matters.
    • Serves as the Command action agency for the Complaints & Inquiries (C&I) and Fraud, Waste and Abuse (FWA) programs
    • Observes all Service nuclear weapons inspections of CONUS units
    • Monitors and reports on the Command's Intelligence Oversight programs
    • As directed, inspects and assesses headquarters programs

Contact Info

Mailing Address:
U.S. Strategic Command
ATTN: Inspector General (J005)
900 SAC Blvd STE N3.162
Offutt AFB, NE 68113

STRATCOM IG HOTLINE: (402) 912-3228 (DSN 912)



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