Privacy Act


Mr. Kendall Cooper - Command Privacy Officer

Senior Component Officials for Privacy (SCOP)

Primary – Gregory J. Brady, Major General, USA, Chief of Staff

Alternate - Ericka R. Flanigan, Colonel, USAF, Deputy Chief of Staff

Alternate – Kendall Cooper, GS-12, DAFC


Title 5 U.S.C. § 552a, The Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, and DoD Regulation 5400.11, DoD Privacy and Civil Liberties Program govern how Privacy Act requests, complaints and violations are processed at USSTRATCOM.

When making requests about yourself, provide a signed letter or a digitally signed e-mail if submitting via USSTRATCOM NIPRNet.  Signed requests can be mailed, faxed or scanned and sent as e-mail attachments to the below listed email addresses. 


Mr. Kendall Cooper

Command Privacy Officer

900 SAC BLVD STE N3.150E

Offutt AFB NE 68113

FAX: (402) 912-9784

Electronic Mail: (if encryption is required IAW SI 301-06, Cybersecurity)

Include the least amount of sensitive personally identifiable information (PII) as possible in your request.  Do not include your social security number (SSN) in your correspondence unless absolutely necessary.  You must encrypt e-mails that contain your SSN, DOB, home address, home phone, cell phone, personal e-mail address, and other sensitive PII.  If you submit your request using personal e-mail with the aforementioned types of sensitive PII, you do so at your own risk.


Privacy Act Complaints/Violations


A Privacy Act complaint is an allegation that USSTRATCOM, or its components, failed to comply with specific provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, with respect to the maintenance, amendment, or dissemination of personal records maintained in a System of Record (SOR).  A privacy violation occurs when USSTRATCOM, or one of its employees, knowingly or willfully fails to comply with the provisions of the Privacy Act and the provisions defined in the SOR. 

Privacy complaints/violations must be submitted to directly to the Command Privacy Officer in written form, or by encrypted e-mail.  The Command Privacy Officer directs the inquiry process, provides guidance to the SOR manager, and reports the findings to the SCOP within mandated timelines.  Issues that cannot be resolved within the Headquarters will be elevated to the Defense Privacy, Civil Liberties, and Transparency Division through the SCOP.


Making a Privacy Act Request


  • Provide your full name and address.
  • Provide a detailed description of the personal records sought as well as their most likely location.


Send your letter/e-mail to the following address:


Kendall Cooper

Command Privacy Officer

900 SAC BLVD STE N3.150E

Offutt AFB NE 68113

FAX: (402) 912-9784

Electronic Mail:

Electronic Mail Requiring Encryption:



Sample Privacy Act Request


Mr. Kendall Cooper

Command Privacy Officer

900 SAC BLVD STE N3.150E

Offutt AFB NE 68113


Dear Privacy Officer,
Under the Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. 552a), I request a copy of following document(s) be provided to me:  [identify the document(s) as specifically as possible].  These records are, or most likely are maintained in [identify where the documents are most likely maintained, i.e., the following System of Record, Directorate, Division, Branch, SSO, Command Security, IG, Legal, J1, etc.]  

If you deny all or any part of this request, please cite each specific Privacy Act exemption that justifies your refusal to release the information and notify me of appeal procedures available under the law.  [optional, but preferred] I also include my telephone number and/or e-mail address at which I can be contacted if necessary to discuss any aspect of my request.

I declare under penalty of perjury [if outside the United States, add “under the laws of the United States of America”] that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed on (date)


Telephone Number [optional, but preferred]
E-mail Address [optional, but preferred]


Civil Liberties


Mr. Kendall Cooper - Command Civil Liberties Officer

Civil Liberties encompass the fundamental freedoms of citizens to exercise customary rights protected by the Constitution of the United States.  DoD Regulation 5400.11, DoD Privacy and Civil Liberties Programs, and SI 900-07, Privacy Act and Civil Liberties Program, establish policy and define responsibilities, administrative policies, and procedures for the implementation of USSTRATCOM's Civil Liberties Program.

The rights we are guaranteed in the Constitution and in Federal law are explicitly guaranteed in the Bill of Rights (e.g., the right to free speech).  Others have been inferred by court decisions or acts of law (i.e., the right to privacy).  Civil liberties guaranteed in the United States are: the right to privacy; right to a jury trial; right to freedom of religion; right to travel freely; right to freedom of speech; right against self-incrimination; right to bear arms; right to marry; right against unreasonable searches and seizures; right to freedom of the press; right against cruel and unusual punishments; right to legal counsel; right to peacefully assemble; and the right to vote.

USSTRATCOM is required to protect the privacy and civil liberties of military and civilian personnel to the greatest extent possible, consistent with its operational requirements.  USSTRATCOM will ensure no information is maintained on how individuals exercise their rights protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, except when:  1) Specifically authorized by Federal statute; 2) Expressly authorized by the individual, group of individuals, or association on whom the record is maintained; or 3) The record is pertinent to, and within the scope of, an authorized law enforcement, intelligence collection, or counter-intelligence activity.

Making a Civil Liberties Complaint


Send a detailed written complaint citing what civil liberty you believe was violated, who violated it, when the violation occurred, and how the liberty was violated to: 


Mr. Kendall Cooper

Command Civil Liberties Officer

900 SAC BLVD STE N3.150E

Offutt AFB NE 68113

FAX: (402) 912-9784

Electronic Mail:

Electronic Mail Requiring Encryption:


You may also report Civil Liberties violations to the USSTRATCOM Inspector General, an Office of the Staff Judge Advocate attorney, or the 55th Wing Equal Opportunity Office.


Sample Civil Liberties Complaint


Mr. Kendall Cooper

Command Civil Liberties Officer

900 SAC BLVD STE N3.150E

Offutt AFB NE 68113


Dear Civil Liberties Officer,

Example 1:  On or about (date), my supervisor, (insert name), sent an e-mail to all-hands announcing that the pre-existing practice of allowing employees to take time away from their desks for religious prayer was being discontinued.  I believe this new policy violates my freedom of religion rights.

Example 2:  On or about (date), I was reprimanded by (insert name) for attending a political rally during my lunch break.  I believe being reprimanded violates my right to assemble peacefully. 

Example 3:  On or about (date), I was reprimanded by (insert name) for refusing to attend a religious activity.  I believe being reprimanded for refusing a religious activity that is not conducive to my religious beliefs violates my freedom of religion rights. 

Example 4:  On or about (date), my supervisor, (insert name), instructed me to remove a post I made on my personal social media page pertaining to disparaging comments I made about leadership.  My supervisor advised me if I did not remove the post, I would be reprimanded.  I believe being directed to remove a personal post I made on my personal social media page violates my right to freedom of speech.





Telephone Number [optional, but preferred]

E-mail Address [optional, but preferred]