November Enlisted Corps Spotlight

By U.S. Strategic Command Public Affairs | U.S. Strategic Command | Nov. 3, 2018


Tech. Sgt. Kyle Eisenbarth, noncommissioned officer in charge of mobility operations, hails from Grove City, Ohio, and has 12 years, 4 months of military service.

Q: How does your job support U.S Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) and our missions?

A: My job as a logistics planner at USSTRATCOM in the J4 Logistics Directorate primarily involves quality checking personnel and cargo tasked movements for our subordinate units. It also entails advising units on movements to help deconflict any issues that may arise.  Additionally, I support guidance revisions for other combatant commands in order to adhere to personnel and cargo movements under STRATCOMs concern, the intercontinental ballistic missile component, and distinguished visitor’s travel movements to continental U.S. locations.

Q: What do you find most rewarding about your work at USSTRATCOM?

A: The role that I play at USSTRATCOM headquarters is definitely a rewarding experience. When you are in operations, it’s a good feeling to know you have a small hand to play in a lot that goes on. At my previous assignment, my primary focus was on wing-level logistics operations, but this assignment has grown the breadth of my knowledge and operational aperture. This assignment has provided me the unique opportunity to see how decisions are made at the combatant command level.  

Q: What has been a challenge for you regarding your work at USSTRATCOM and how have you overcome that challenge?

A: Working in a joint environment was definitely a new experience for me. I had to learn the different customs and cultural differences between all services which really broadened my ability to interact with them and helped change my frame of mind in the operational sense. It’s been a great experience and I’ve learned a lot.

Another challenge is being the only Air Force enlisted logistics planner. I primarily work with civilians, but there is definitely a different feel for your job when you’re not completely surrounded by military. I work around people who have a lot of years of combined continuity which provides a great learning experience. The hardest part for me is learning what they know from scratch and drawing from their knowledge as much as I can. I also want to ensure that I can keep our workflow consistent while exceeding expectations.

Q: What has been your most memorable experience in the military?

A: My most memorable military experience would be my first deployment as an airman to Balad, Iraq, in 2009. I volunteered at the hospital helping to offload military and civilians wounded from transports that were flown or driven in from the surrounding forward operating bases and local villages. I felt my work there had a positive impact on saving lives and it gave me a frame of mind in seeing what others were going through first-hand.

Q: What is the one piece of information or advice about working at USSTRATCOM that you'd pass on to new members of the USSTRATCOM team?

A: I would pass along an emphasis of importance in what we do at USSTRATCOM. Our mission directly impacts strategic and operational levels. It is a huge part in the United States’ ability to effectively accomplish nuclear deterrence. There is also a lot of knowledge to absorb within USSTRATCOM. Take advantage of any learning opportunities and educate yourself while you are here; this will pay tremendous dividends in the future.