Gen. John Hyten's 2019 New Year's message

By USSTRATCOM Public Affairs Office | Jan. 2, 2019


USSTRATCOM Warfighters, 

Happy New Year! As we wrap up an eventful 2018 and shift our vision and energy forward, I want to take a moment to convey my best wishes and sincere thanks to all of you for jobs well done. This year will bring us new challenges and opportunities, but I have no doubt this great team will far surpass the successes we achieved in 2018.

We reflect on the past year with pride in our accomplishments. Our success rests with the 162,000 men and women supporting our command's missions. You are the backbone of this command; you're ready to deliver decisive action in any domain, at any time and any place. The Nation sleeps peacefully knowing the men and women of USSTRATCOM are standing alert, prepared to act, and ready to defeat any threat.

In our profession we can never rest on our laurels, we must always be ready to deter adversaries who seek new ways to threaten our way of life. We must adapt to meet the demands of a changing environment. Change is good for our command and we'll tackle these challenges methodically with a "steady as we go” mindset. We'll remain focused on deterrence and modernization while also standing-up U.S. Space Command; maturing and leading the Nuclear Command, Control and Communication enterprise, and exploring integration of global fires.

USSTRATCOM families are a crucial part of our overall success ... our mission would not be possible without their support. Please take a moment to let your family know how important they are to our team and extend my best wishes for a Happy New Year to each of them.

Thank you for everything you do. The capabilities USSTRATCOM provides are critical to the defense of our nation. Our very survival depends on the dedicated professionals who conduct this mission day-in and day-out, and the families who support them. Be proud of the job you do.

Always remember, "Peace is our profession..."



General, USAF
U.S. Strategic Command