Defense Department Launches New Advertising Campaign

By | Defense Link | Oct. 20, 2008

The Department of Defense announced today its latest national television advertising campaign, "Conversations," which asks parents to have an open dialogue with sons and daughters who are exploring military service as an option.

"The Department of Defense recognizes that parents are a key factor in young people's decisions to join the military," said Matt Boehmer, director of Joint Advertising Market Research and Studies (JAMRS). "We hope this campaign will encourage parents to get involved and talk about such an important decision with their son or daughter. "

"Conversations" depicts on-going, frank conversations in realistic settings between parents and their recruitment-age children, who are considering serving in the military. JAMRS' goal was to demonstrate parents' emotions, appropriate reactions and possible next steps in support of their son's or daughter's decision-making process. Six television spots will complement the print campaign currently running in national men's, women's and general interest magazines. Following the campaign tagline, "It's a big decision. Talk about it," viewers are asked to visit for more information.

"The decision to serve your country in a time of war is perhaps the noblest form of public service, and young people look to their parents for advice and support. We can remind parents that if their son or daughter wants to serve, having the right information and talking about it is always a good idea," said Boehmer. "If our campaign can do that in an honest, respectful and empathetic voice, perhaps we can encourage families to have an open dialogue during the decision-making process. "