
Sept. 10, 2010

New ISR group supports cyber operations

The 659th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Group was activated Sept. 8 during a ceremony here.

Sept. 7, 2010

Cyber Task Force Passes Mission to Cyber Command

After spending the better part of the past decade defending the Defense Departments computer networks, the Joint Task Force Global Network Operations command cased its colors.

Sept. 3, 2010

Langevin and Turner Thank General Kevin P. Chilton for his Lifetime of Public Service and Leadership

Strategic Forces Subcommittee Chairman Jim Langevin (D-R.I.) and Ranking Member Michael Turner (R-Ohio) released the following statement regarding yesterday's announcement.

Sept. 2, 2010

STRATCOM change in leadership announced

The Air Force today announced the retirement of Gen Kevin P. Chilton, Commander of United States Strategic Command, headquartered here.

July 27, 2010

Electronic Systems Center enhances Air Force network

The Cyber/Integration Division, formerly known as the 753rd Electronic Systems Group, has recently improved the way information flows to and from Air Force computers worldwide, saving approximately $24 million in the process.

July 22, 2010

Criminals Use Romance, Patriotism to Steal Money

Shelly is a smart, successful business owner, but a brief liaison with a man claiming to be a servicemember nearly cost her everything.

July 9, 2010

Cyber Command Synchronizes Services' Efforts

Leaders of the new U.S. Cyber Command have a long to-do list in creating central oversight for the military's computer networks, including synchronizing what the services already have in place.

July 8, 2010

Cyber Solutions Depend on Partnerships, Official Says

Defense Department officials are reaching throughout government and the private sector to lay the framework for long-term solutions in computer network security, the department's head of cyber policy said today.

June 30, 2010

Federal Times clarification - USB policy

In response to a recent article, "Lifting social media, USB ban means implementing safety strategy" published on Federal Times dated June 27, 2010, we would like to correct the record.

June 15, 2010

USSTRATCOM unit tracks Hayabusa capsule, furthers international SSA sharing

The Joint Functional Component Command Space (JFCC Space) at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif., a component of United States Strategic Command, collaborated with Air Force Space Command personnel to provide Space Surveillance Network (SSN) support while tracking a Sample Return Capsule (SRC) from the Japanese Hayabusa spacecraft during its successful re-entry in the Australian Woomera Prohibited Area June 13.