
March 30, 2010

U.S. Air Force begins opening network to Social Media Sites

The Air Force began its plan to open access to Internet-based social-networking sites on the Air Force Network today.

March 25, 2010

CSAF: Air Force Global Strike Command mission requires constant vigilance

The Air Force chief of staff opened the first-ever Air Force Global Strike Command commande' conference Mar. 24.

March 17, 2010

U.S. Cyber Command preparations under way, general says

Preparations for the formal establishment of U.S. Cyber Command are under way, a senior military officer reported to Congress March 16, here.

March 11, 2010

USSTRATCOM Cyberspace Symposium

U.S. Strategic Command will host the second USSTRATCOM Cyberspace Symposium May 26-27, 2010 at the Qwest Center in Omaha, Neb.

March 2, 2010

Global Positioning System Continues Improvement Initiative

Building on the January 2010 upgrade to the GPS ground control segment, Air Force Space Command will be installing another software release primarily designed to support the pending mid-2010 launch of the first GPS IIF space vehicle.

Feb. 12, 2010

Spear phishers target military members at home, work

Information warfare was around long before the computer. Even in the days of homing pigeons, adversaries would attempt to intercept each other's messages to gain an advantage.

Feb. 1, 2010

Navy Twitter Account Finalist in Shorty Awards

The Navy's official Twitter account, @USNavy, has been named one of six finalists in the "2010 Shorty Awards" among more than 250 nominations in the government category.

Feb. 1, 2010

USSTRATCOM comments on space debris article

Response to a suggestion made in Mr. Williams' story regarding achieving\r\n"parity" as reason for intercepting USA193 in 2008.

Jan. 29, 2010

Navy Stands Up Fleet Cyber Command, Reestablishes U.S. 10th Fleet

The chief of naval operations (CNO) officially established U.S. Fleet Cyber Command (FCC) and recommissioned U.S. 10th Fleet during a ceremony at Fort George G. Meade, Md., Jan. 29.

Jan. 27, 2010

Military families gain access to free, online tutoring

The Defense Department has launched a free, online tutoring service for servicemembers and their families.