
Nov. 23, 2009

Commander receives 2009 Space Trophy

The Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center commander received the 2009 Gen. Thomas D. White Air Force Space Trophy Nov. 20 in Beverly Hills, Calif.

Nov. 20, 2009

Air Force leaders speak at 2009 Global Warfare Symposium

Air Force senior leaders discussed the service's priorities, capabilities and vision in space, cyberspace and strategic deterrence at the 2009 Air Force Association Global Warfare Symposium here Nov. 19.

Nov. 18, 2009

Army developing global network

In the future, Soldiers should be able to access the Army's global network anywhere in the world using capabilities similar to a Blackberry or iPhone, said the Army's chief information officer.

Nov. 17, 2009

TACAMO Presented Omaha Trophy

Strategic Communications Wing 1 (SCW-1) was presented the 2008 Omaha Trophy Strategic Aircraft Operations Award by Gen. Kevin Chilton, commander, U.S. Strategic Command, and Mr. Jack Baker, a member of the Strategic Command Consultation Committee, during a ceremony at Tinker Air Force Base Nov. 12.

Nov. 3, 2009

NRL Sensor Provides Critical Space Weather Observations

The Navy Research Laboratory's Special Sensor Ultraviolet Limb Imager (SSULI)was launched Oct. 18, 2009, offering a first of its kind technique for remote sensing of the ionosphere and thermosphere from space.

Nov. 3, 2009

More Satellites Needed To Launch on Short Notice

Gen. Kevin Chilton said Nov. 3 he would give up new, state-of-the-art space systems to swell the military's fleet of satellites that could be launched at a moment's notice.

Nov. 2, 2009

NAS Whidbey Island/NRNW Wraps Up IPP Guardian Exercises

Navy Region Northwest (NRNW) concluded a round of Installation Protection Program (IPP) Guardian exercises with the completion of a full-scale exercise at Naval Air Station (NAS) Whidbey Island, Oct. 27-29.

Oct. 28, 2009

Chinese military delegation visits STRATCOM

In an historic effort to develop the U.S. military to military relationship with the People's Republic of China, Gen. Kevin P. Chilton, commander U.S. Strategic Command, hosted Gen. Xu Caihou, one of two Vice Chairmen of the PRC's Central Military Commission.

Oct. 26, 2009

Strategic space symposium features commanders media availability

"Advancing Space Capabilities and Strengthening Operations to Promote Global Security" is the theme for the Nov. 2 – 4, 2009 Strategic Space Symposium.

Oct. 20, 2009

Admiral Cites Need to Prepare for All Threats

Military commanders of the future should be proficient at managing high-tech communications networks and also should know how to wage conventional, irregular and hybrid warfare, said senior naval officer Oct. 19.