
May 21, 2010

Army Forces Cyber Command Headquarters Standup Plan Announced

The Army announced today that it intends to establish a new Army Forces Cyber Command (ARFORCYBER) Headquarters within the National Capital Region, no later than October 2010.

May 21, 2010

Gates establishes U.S. Cyber Command and names first commander

Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates announced May 21 Army Gen. Keith B. Alexander's appointment as the first commander of U.S. Cyber Command, officially establishing the Initial Operating Capability for the new command.

May 13, 2010

The Case for the New START Treaty

The treaty has the unanimous support of America's military leadership.

May 10, 2010

Officials Warn of Phishing Scams Targeting Troops

U.S. Strategic Command officials are urging renewed vigilance against Internet-based identity theft after detecting a widespread phishing expedition against servicemembers.

April 21, 2010

STRATCOM commander tells Minot Airmen they are valued, valuable

The commander of United States Strategic Command visited one of the key bases under his wartime command April 20 to tell Airmen at Minot Air Force Base their service to country, their professionalism and their dedication to the nuclear profession are not only noticed, but needed.

April 16, 2010

Cyber Command nominee urges government, private sector cooperation

Officials in the new U.S. Cyber Command need to strike a balance between protecting military assets and personal privacy, the presidential nominee to lead the command told a Senate committee April 16.

April 6, 2010

Vice Chairman Expresses Comfort With Nuke Production Freeze

The nation's second-ranking military officer said today that he's comfortable with a new U.S. policy that halts future production of nuclear weapons.

April 5, 2010

Security worries lead to BlackBerry limits

The Air Force's nearly 50,000 BlackBerrys are not quite so handy anymore. Starting this month, airmen can no longer use the mobile devices to send text messages with photos or videos attached, or download new applications.

April 3, 2010

Pacific AF bases test new open access to social media

Five U.S. Air Force bases in the Pacific are the latest to allow servicemembers to friend, tweet and instant message from their desks at work.

March 30, 2010

U.S. Air Force begins opening network to Social Media Sites

The Air Force began its plan to open access to Internet-based social-networking sites on the Air Force Network today.